Dr Richard Roscoe

Born, 1971, in England.  Degree in Biological Sciences followed by PhD in microbial genetics, both at Leicester University, England.  Employed in Munich, Germany, since 1997 in the patent field.

Primary photographic interests are volcanoes and wildlife, in particular penguins and other seabirds. First "lava-contact" was at Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.  Since then, visits to numerous erupting volcanoes, including Stromboli, Etna, Soufriere Hillls, Erta Ale, Bromo, Santiaguito, Colima, Semeru, Sakurajima, Suwanosejima, Eyjafjallajökull, Yasur and the fascinating and unique volcano Oldoinyo Lengai in Tanzania. Interest in photography was triggered by wish to document holidays.  Gradually, became the main focus of travels.  Photographic skills were picked up on the road but also by critical study of own photos and the work of other photographers.

Apart from providing stock photographic / video material, available for consultancy work for TV productions or for authoring of volcano-tourism or popular science texts. Speaks english, german and dutch fluently. Basic french and spanish skills.

Founder of www.photovolcanica.com (volcano and penguin images, accompanied by detailed scientific information), www.vpow.org (community project: Volcano Picture of the Week) and most recently www.volcanovideos.org (to meet the growing demand for video material).

Richard Roscoe at Etna Volcano
Richard Roscoe at Yasur Volcano next to a recent volcanic bomb

Exhibitions, Competitions, Collaborations:

Affiliated to commercial german stock photo archive "Vulkanarchiv" (Volcano Archive) since 2005.

Participation in exhibition "Die Vulkane der Welt" (The Volcanoes of the World), organized by Daniela Szczepanski, May 2007, Forum Daun, Eifel, Germany.

Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2007 - 4 photos in semi-final stage

Natures Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards 2007 - 1 photo in final

Richard preparing for another long night at Bromo Volcano


Photos in travel and wildlife magazines, museums, aquariums, various internet sites

Author of Case-Study "Geothermal Parks in New Zealand" and co-author of chapter "Volcano Tourism in Ethiopia and the Danakil Zone" in "Volcano and Geothermal Tourism: Sustainable Geo-Resources for Leisure and Recreation", P. Erfurt-Cooper and M. Cooper Ed. (Earthscan).

Photos in Intl. Assoc. of Volcanology & Chemistry of the Earths Interior (IAVCEI) calender in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2011

Contributions to Smithsonian "Bulletin Global Volcanism Network" (e.g. in BGVN Vol.32, No.12, Dec. 2007; Vol.33, No.6, June 2008)

Television Appearances:

Featured "Volcano Chaser" in "Gethin Jones' Danger Hunters: Volcanoes" (Produced by Summer Films. First screened on Virgin 1 (UK) on Nov. 5, 2008)

Selected Online Appearances:

Discovery News:

- "Photographer Dodges Volcanic Blitzkrieg in South Pacific: Big Pics" (Yasur Volcano: Video / Images)

- "A Volcanic Rainbow in the Hottest Place on Earth" (Dallol Volcano: Images)

- "Visible Shock Wave Rocks Japanese Volcano in Slo-Mo" (Sakurajima Volcano: Time-Lapse Video)

- "Living and Cooking Potatoes in a Dormant Supervolcano: Big Pics" (Unagi Crater)

New Scientist:

- "New Scientist TV: Up Close and Personal with an Active Volcano" (Bromo Volcano: Video)

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